Meet Kirk

Meet Kirk Drake – the entrepreneur, author, and keynote speaker on a mission to disrupt business norms and accelerate innovation with adventure, integrity, and humor.

With decades of experience as a digital architect and technology pioneer in both the credit union and fintech spaces, Kirk is a master at using humor to explain complex ideas and drive change.

As a serial entrepreneur with limitless creativity, Kirk is not afraid to challenge the status quo and push boundaries in order to achieve success. With his captivating presence, strategic thinking, and visionary approach, he inspires audiences to think outside the box and embrace disruptive ideas that can revolutionize their industries.

In addition to his extensive career in technology and entrepreneurship, Kirk is also a published author and sought-after speaker who has brought his message of innovation and humor to countless events and organizations. With his deep thinking and sharp wit, he delivers keynote speeches that leave audiences feeling energized, inspired, and ready to tackle the future with a fresh perspective.

Whether you're looking to disrupt the norm, challenge your thinking, or simply add a touch of humor to your next event, Kirk Drake is the visionary leader you've been searching for.

Join him on his mission to shake up the business world, and prepare to be inspired, entertained, and transformed.

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